Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Joe Jonas Traps Wild Animals On The Soup

So, maybe he didn't really trap a wild animal, but Joe Jonas did attempt humor on Friday night's The Soup with Joel McHale.
Or, more likely, he just appeared to promote his new album Fastlife, which as we told you before, isn't doing so great on the charts.
Way to expand your demographic, Joe.
So, what did U [...]

Well, she did say she loved that ring.

Diamonds are a girl's best friend, especially for Kim Kardashian since diamonds might be her only friend right now.

In her prenup with Kris Humphries, Kim included a clause that, in case of a divorce, she would be allowed to buy the 20.5 carat diamond ring back from him for its original price.

The original price being somewhere around $2 million!!

And looks Kim will be doing just that to keep the gorgeous piece of jewelry, which is it a big ironic because if she kept the clause out of the prenup, she would have still been able to keep the ring FOR FREE by law.

Yes, it's a beautiful ring, but why would she want to keep something that just reminds her of her failed, short-lived marriage??

Seems a little odd to us.

[Image via WENN.]

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